Te Whāriki - Early Childhood Education Curriculum

The early childhood education curriculum, Te Whāriki, is seen as a whāriki, or a mat, woven from principles, strands, and goals. Similarly, the Building Blocks for Hauora (Building Blocks) whole-service approach weaves together children, staff, parents/whānau, the wider early learning service (ELS) community, along with the physical environment, policies and practices, and available resources essential to health and wellbeing.


He whatu aligns with the Te Whāriki principles of Whakamana (Empowerment), Kotahitanga (Holistic Development), Whanau Tangata (Family and Community) and Nga Hononga (Relationships).


Te Whāriki strands are also supported through Building Blocks:

Mana Atua

Mana Atua states that health and wellbeing of a child are protected and nurtured. For this to be achieved tamariki should experience an environment where their health is promoted, their emotional wellbeing is nurtured, and they are kept safe from harm.

Mana Whenua

Mana Whenua supports the need for tamariki and whanau to feel a sense of belonging. To achieve this, tamariki, parents and whānau are connected to your ELS where their values, culture and customs are valued and respected.

Mana Tangata

Mana Tangata supports opportunities for learning that are equitable, and each child’s contribution is valued. To achieve this tamariki are encouraged as active participants in the Building Blocks journey, becoming advocates for their own health and those around them.

Mana Reo

Mana Reo supports opportunities for the language and symbols of a child’s own culture, and other cultures to be promoted and protected. Health and wellbeing can be communicated through stories, print and symbols, empowering tamariki to hear and retell stories of health and wellbeing, express themselves and share their feelings, and develop nonverbal and verbal communication skills.

Mana Aotūroa

Mana Aotūroa supports tamariki to learn through active exploration of the environment. As tamariki gain confidence and control of their bodies, develop working theories, and learn strategies for thinking and reasoning, their health and wellbeing is being promoted.
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Get your ELS started with Building Blocks

Are you ready to strengthen your whatu (binding weave)? Create an account to begin your Building Blocks journey to improve the health and wellbeing of the tamariki in your service.
Sign up today

Our partners

Te Whatu Ora Cancer Society DOC EastBay Eastern Bay Healthy Families Heart Foundation Manaaki Ora Sports Bay of Plenty Toi Tangata Mental Health