Within the Building Blocks tool, each ‘block’ represents an aspect of health and wellbeing.
Te Whāriki (the early childhood education curriculum), is seen as a whāriki, or a mat, woven from principles, strands, and goals. Similarly, the Building Blocks whole-service approach weaves together children, staff, parents/whānau, the wider early learning service community, along with the physical environment, policies and practices, and available resources essential to health and wellbeing.
To ensure a holistic approach to health, elements of Te Whare Tapa Wha (taha wairua, taha tinana, taha hinengaro and taha whānau) are woven into each block. The blocks do not stand on their own, they overlap, complement and weave into each other. By working your way through the blocks you will strengthen your whatu and that of the tamariki in your care, comprehensively integrating hauora into your early learning service community, and fostering the health and wellbeing of our mokopuna.
Checklists for each block contain the essential elements required to achieve each block. These checklists help you to assess what you are already doing and identify actions and activities which can be improved upon or implemented. Sample policies, resources and handy actions are also provided to help you achieve each block. You can work on one or more block at a time, and set your own pace, however working on one block at a time can be helpful to ensure you stay on track.